Dr. Langenkamp: Faces are the barcode of the human race. Ever since mankind went tribal, we're constantly looking at each others faces trying to decide whether they're friends, foes, or lovers. Don't underestimate the seriousness of your condition, Miss Marchant.
Dr. Langenkamp: Everyone always goes on about sight, hearing, smelling. But there's another sense. A hidden one. The Japanese call it mooka. It's the sense that allows you to walk without having to thinking about putting one foot in front of the other. You loose this sense and you will become like some of my other patients. Socially paralyzed, withdrawing from the world into the safety of isolation. That's a tempting option.
Anna Marchant: I don't want that. I want to live normally.
Dr. Langenkamp: Every day people are going to resent you for not recognizing who they are. They'll call you rude, forgetful, stupid, liar. Now, are you willing to fight back? With all your might?
Anna Marchant: Yeah.
Dr. Langenkamp: To try and try again without loosing heart. Without giving an inch!
Anna Marchant: Yes.
Dr. Langenkamp: Good. then lets get to work.
Stephen Gomori
Extended Reading