Estefania 2022-03-23 08:01:04
Humanity, stop it
As a veteran with many military exploits, Brandon was awarded a medal of honor by the country and was admired by everyone, but the stop-loss policy made him an AWOL overnight. The government's conscription system, which seems to be forced and seriously violates humanistic management, highlights the...
Rico 2022-03-23 08:01:04
"Refuse to fight / stop loss" -- plain running account
The title of Refusing to Fight Again is a very clear spoiler. A group of soldiers returning from service in Iraq are facing a situation of being called up again. How many of them are willing to return to the place where "the civilians are all RPGs"? The director of "Boys Don't Cry" basically...

Stephen Belyeu
Ivah 2022-03-26 09:01:15
I believe that the trauma of war to the soul can be more intense. In the end it was a compromise. GLRs really don't look like American GIs... ps, each with a Texas accent? Thank you for uploading, but my wish is fulfilled.
Providenci 2022-03-26 09:01:15
joseph gordon-levitt
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[from trailer]
Brandon King: I'm not going back. I'm fightin' this thing.
Brandon King: Fuck the president!