Sonya Leite

Sonya Leite

  • Born:
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading

    Supergirl quotes

    • Selena: Nigel, how long have we been together?

      Nigel: Ooh. Months, darling.

      Selena: Then why does it seem like years?

      Nigel: Because you're so impatient. You want everything yesterday. It takes a lifetime to discover the secrets of black magic from the ancient grimoires.

    • Bianca: I was reading in this book, you know, "The Witches Guide to Heaven and Hell", and if you start your own coven, all you have to do is charge five bucks a head, minimal admission. That's great.

      Selena: Chicken feed.

      Bianca: Ah, that's better than goose egg.