Sofiene Mamdi

Sofiene Mamdi

  • Born:
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading

    The Take quotes

    • Michael Mason: [has just found a horde of drug paraphernalia in the glove compartment of the Mercedes he and Briar just hijacked] Jesus!

      Sean Briar: [closes compartment] Don't touch that.

      Michael Mason: [off Briar's look, indignant] I'm not a drug dealer, all right. You know, I'm not some fucking lowlife. I got plans.

      Sean Briar: Like what?

      Michael Mason: [pauses] I'm raising money to fund my way through medical school.

      Sean Briar: Bullshit. You know, you look left when you lie. It's a very common tell.

    • Michael Mason: [sullenly] You don't fucking know me.

      Sean Briar: Age 14 through 16, you were caught shoplifting for pornography and Britney Spears CDs. You stole your stepdad's sports car and crashed it into the Caesar's Palace fountain. Categorised as impulsive, lacking of insight, and very likely to re-offend.

      Michael Mason: [pause; he retaliates smartly] Okay. How about, uh, "lacking in interpersonal empathy?" "Reckless, insubordinate, and irresponsible."

      Michael Mason: [he pulls out a paper he lifted from Briar, detailing the CIA's unflattering review of the latter] "Quick to resort to violence..."

      Sean Briar: [snatches the paper back] Motherfucker, you ever go through my pockets again, I will shoot you in the face.