Jamil 2022-05-01 06:01:10
"Three Heads": Sister Sven's swimsuit counterattack
"The Three Stooges": Sister Sven’s swimsuit counterattack. I
don’t know how many people are like me. After watching the entire movie, the most impressive thing is not the amazing performance of the three life treasures, but the end of the credits counterattack of Sister Sven— -Swimsuits are... -
Annette 2022-05-01 06:01:10
Was poked and laughed hard
I woke up naturally at 4 in the middle of the night and turned out this movie. After watching it, I wondered sincerely why I liked this ancient form of comedy performance, as if I saw "Modern Times" with a lot of lines.
Although the overall storyline is a bit clichéd, in order to save a group...

Skyler Gisondo
Sammi: Now look: either you kick Moe off the show, or we're suing him!
Snooki: Like, with a lawyer!
Moe's Hip Executive: Court sounds okay to me.
Moe's Hip Executive: [to his assistant] You know, we could probably do a cross-promotion with Lockup.
Snooki: Great, just great. So basically, what you're saying is this whole show is about the ratings?
Moe's Hip Executive: Uh, yeah.
Ronnie, The Situation: Ohhh!
[Ronnie, The Situation and the other cast members groan in annoyance]
Sammi: Unbelievable.
Moe: [pointing to Snooki's "Guinness" hat] Look, just 'cause she's wearing a "genius" hat, doesn't mean she is one.
Larry: Look, Moe, we owe you an apology.
Moe: No, fellas, I'm the one who owes you the apology. I know sometimes I tend to fly off the handle and...
Larry: No, you don't.
Moe: Yes, I do.
Curly: No, it's just that you get a little upset and...
Moe: [Moe flicks Larry and Curly on their noses, and then he slaps Larry and Curly] Shut up when I'm apologizing!
Larry: We don't have time for that! Teddy's in a jam!
Curly: Yeah, you know that woman who wanted us to take out her husband?
[Curly gasps and hisses]
Curly: She's married to Teddy!
Moe: No wonder she wanted us to smother him in his sleep!
Curly: Yeah.
Moe: I knew I smelled a...
Snooki, JWoww, Sammi: A rat! A rat! Eek!
Moe: [Moe picks up Nippy, Curly's pet rat] That's no rat, it's Nippy! How you doing, buddy? Aw, I missed you too, Nips.
Larry: Come on, we got work to do. We got to get to Teddy before his wife does.
Moe: Come on.
Curly: [Curly chuckles, and rhythmically snaps his fingers] Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk, nyuk. Rrowff!
Moe: Come on, Romeo!
[Moe pulls Curly out of the studio by his ear]
Moe's Hip Executive: Are you kidding me? There's three of them?