Siobhan McKenna

Siobhan McKenna

  • Born: 1923-5-24
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading

    Doctor Zhivago quotes

    • Pasha: I used to admire your poetry.

      Zhivago: Thank you.

      Pasha: I shouldn't admire it now. I should find it absurdly personal. Don't you agree? Feelings, insights, affections... it's suddenly trivial now. You don't agree; you're wrong. The personal life is dead in Russia. History has killed it. I can see why you might hate me.

      Zhivago: I hate everything you say, but not enough to kill you for it.

    • Pasha: The private life is dead - for a man with any manhood.

      Zhivago: I saw some of your 'manhood' on the way at a place called Minsk.

      Pasha: They were selling horses to the Whites.

      Zhivago: It seems you've burnt the wrong village.

      Pasha: They always say that, and what does it matter? A village betrays us, a village is burned. The point's made.

      Zhivago: Your point - their village.