Shawn Wayans

Shawn Wayans

  • Born: 1971-1-19
  • Birthplace: New York, USA
  • Height:
  • Profession: Actor, screenwriter, producer, director
  • Nationality: America
  • Graduate School: Baydrostine High School
  • Representative Works: Scary Movie, Scary Movie2, Scary Movie3, Scary Movie4, Dancing Movie
  • Shawn Wayans, born on January 19, 1971 in New York, USA, is an actor, screenwriter, producer, and director. Representative works include " Scary Movie2 ", " Scary Movie ", " White Chicks ", " Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood ", " Little Man " and so on.

    Performing Experience

    Shawn Wayans is a member of the famous Wayans family. His parents are Howe Wayans and Elvira Wayans Wayans. There are six brothers, Dwayne, Kenan Averies, Damon, GM , Nadi, and Malone. There are three sisters, Elvira, Trey and Wone. He studied anthropology at Baydrostine High School and graduated. He is also the cousin of Cragg Waynes, Damon Waynes Jr., Michelle LaVaughn Obama Waynes, Karamia Waynes, Kira Waynes, Julie Avery Uncle of Mani Waynes, Jr. Gene Avery Waynes, Nora Waynes, Bella Waynes and Dammy Enwaynes. His masterpiece is also the masterpiece of their family is the movie " Scary Movie " series.