Sharon Holm

Sharon Holm

  • Born:
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading

    Batman quotes

    • Bruce Wayne: I know who you are. Let me tell you about this guy I know, Jack. Mean kid. Bad seed. Hurt people.

      The Joker: I like him already.


      Bruce Wayne: Now you know the problem was... he got sloppy. You know? Crazy. He started to lose it. He had a head full of bad wiring, I guess.

      [Walks towards the fireplace]

      Bruce Wayne: Couldn't keep it straight up here.

      [Points to his head]

      Bruce Wayne: He was the kind of guy who couldn't hear the train until it was 2 feet from him.

      The Joker: Hmm.

      [Smiles and nods his head]

      Bruce Wayne: You know what happened to this guy, Jack?

      The Joker: [Shakes his head]

      Bruce Wayne: Well... he made mistakes. Then he had his

      [grabs a poker and smashes a vase]

      Bruce Wayne: LIGHTS OUT! Now you wanna get nuts? Come on! Let's get nuts.

    • Joker: [shows up unexpectedly at Vicki's place] Miss me? Nice place you've got here. Lots of space. Uh, Vicki, we've really got to have a talk. I'm very upset. We were having dinner. I was a man doing well with a beautiful woman. And without so much as an apology, you ran off with that sideshow phony.