Sharon Barr

Sharon Barr

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  • Extended Reading

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    • Aaron Levinsky: You look wonderful.

      Claudia Draper: You know what I use this dress for? For the ones who want to sit on Mommy's lap.

    • Francis MacMillan: Do you believe Dr. Morrison is acting out of a personal motive?

      Claudia Draper: No, I'm sure he believes what he believes. He thinks whores are girls who hang out on 8th Avenue and stick needles in their arms. He knows whores aren't nice white girls from nice white families. He knows that just as sure as he knows his wife is at home cleaning the oven. Isn't that right Herbie? But what if he's wrong? What if his wife is out balling the insurance salesman? What if he doesn't know his ass from his elbow? What if he's just an asshole with power to lock me up? What if that's all he is? An asshole with power.