Shannon Gayle Hurd

Shannon Gayle Hurd

  • Born: 1982-3-22
  • Height: 5' 7" (1.7 m)
  • Extended Reading

    Flags of Our Fathers quotes

    • Lindberg: [while losing at poker] Chief, I had very little to do with Sitting Bull's death, so maybe you could stop taking it out on me.

      Ira Hayes: Different tribe. The Pimas fought on the side of the white man.

      Gust: See, now that's smart.

      Hank Hansen: That *is* smart.

      Ira Hayes: Yeah. Worked real good for us.

    • Lundsford: You actually chose the Marines because they had the best uniforms?

      Rene Gagnon: No sense being a hero if you don't look like one.