Shane Skelton

Shane Skelton

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  • Extended Reading

    Solaris quotes

    • Snow: He attacked me. There I am - somehow, there I am - and I couldn't tell you... couldn't tell you how I'm there or who I am or what's going on. But before I can get to that, what's this over here - coming at me? What... what are you trying to do? Oh, I see, you're trying to kill me. Yeah confuse me. I'll tell you about some confusing. How about bingo, there you are. And, whoop, there's my welcoming committee, and you dropped your knife and this is a good night. And, oh, by the way, uh, after all that, I find out, this, uh... whoever this is... get my first good look in, and it happens to be... I survived the first thirty seconds of this life... whatever you want to call it... by killing someone. And, oh, ah, by killing someone who happens to be me. See most people, I would think most people in this position would be like, "This... Ah, hmm... I don't know." However, this is at least, this is an incredible opportunity. This is a... what if this is a... this is a gift? I'm a gift. Hey.

      Gordon: I say we use the Higgs device on him.

    • Chris Kelvin: Can you tell me what's happening here?

      Snow: I could tell you what's happening, but I don't know if it would really tell you what's happening.