Harrison 2022-08-30 16:28:37
The original sin of desire and suspicion
Seduced by the utopian voice, they desperately squeeze through the gates of heaven, but when the gate slams shut behind them, they find themselves in hell. The devil may be the creator of a horrific catastrophe that sweeps over the city like a nightmare, taking away fresh life and souls. But Mr....
Kiarra 2022-08-30 18:35:53
Devil things
After you have already slashed at someone, can you reconcile your relationship by pulling him up from the ground? Yes, as long as you collectively admit that there is a real devil that induces all this and you collectively believe that this devil is the culprit of all disasters.
The actors are all...

Shane Meier
Shane Meier, actor, major works " Revenge of the Boarding School Dropouts ", " Shred ", "Spy".
Extended Reading
Father Meehan: If there's a devil in this town, it's that damned Reverend Willie Rose!
Alan: You believe me now, Father? You still think he's a decent man? The Devil just blew up your damn church!
Father Meehan: That's not the Devil. It's those God-damned Baptists!
Leland: I've always enjoyed ladies who take great pride in themselves.