Sedina Balde

Sedina Balde

  • Born:
  • Height: 6' 2" (1.88 m)
  • Extended Reading

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    • Sam: Do you remember me telling you about where I grew up? In New York City?

      Danny: Where Carnegie Hall is!

      Sam: Yeah, well, that's where Victoria and I are from. That's our home.

      Danny: This is your home.

      Sam: No, no this is just a temporary home. We only came here so that Victoria could attend school. What I'm trying to say Danny, is after Victoria graduates, we're going to go back home. We're going to go back to New York. And, well I don't know how this would work out, but we would really like for you to come with us, because we've come to think of you as family, and well that's what families do - they stick together, at least this one does. So what do you say?

    • Victoria: Should I go get him?

      Sam: No, let's let him get himself.

      Victoria: Maybe he doesn't know how.

      Sam: Well, then let's just give him the opportunity to learn.

      Sam: There's nothing like self-discovery for turning a boy into a man.