Sean Hannon

Sean Hannon

  • Born:
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  • Extended Reading

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    Fire and Ice quotes

    • Juliana: You will present our demands to King Jarol at Fire Keep and... give our royal regards to his lovely daughter.

    • Subhuman: If you peacefully surrender, my Lord Nekron will cease the destruction of...

      Jarol: This is your message of peace? A demand for our total and unconditional surrender?

      Subhuman: We call it an offer of alliance, Your Majesty.

      Taro: I call it blackmail.

      Subhuman: My Lord Nekron's offer...

      Taro: To hell with Nekron and his offer. We are free men, not slaves.

      Subhuman: King Jarol, be reasonable.

      Jarol: My son, Taro, speaks more with his heart than with his head. But he speaks for all of us.

      Taro: There can be no alliance. We will fight you to the death.

      Subhuman: Perhaps, you will soon change your mind.