Sawyer Spielberg

Sawyer Spielberg

  • Born: 1992-3-10
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading

    The Post quotes

    • [behind closed doors]

      Ben Bradlee: So, can I ask you a hypothetical question?

      Kay Graham: Oh, dear. I don't like hypothetical questions.

      Ben Bradlee: Well, I don't think you're gonna like the real one, either.


      Kay Graham: Do you have the Papers?


      Ben Bradlee: Not yet.

    • Ben Bagdikian: They're going to lock you up, Dan.

      Daniel Ellsberg: Wouldn't you go to prison to stop this war?

      Ben Bagdikian: Theoretically, sure.

      Daniel Ellsberg: You are gonna publish these documents?

      Ben Bagdikian: Yeah.

      Daniel Ellsberg: Even with the injunction.

      Ben Bagdikian: Yes.

      Daniel Ellsberg: Well, then. It's no so theoretical then, is it?