Ms. Briganza: Rahul... what is love?
Rahul Khanna: Love. Love is friendship.
Anjali Sharma: [Anjali looks at him]
Rahul Khanna: If she can't be my best friend, I can't be in love with her. Without friendship, there is no love. Simple. Love is friendship. Okay, Ms. Briganza?
[Young Anjali has just met her namesake]
Anjali Sharma: What's your name?
Anjali Khanna: Anjali.
Anjali Sharma: Hey, that's my name too! Hi!
Anjali Khanna: Why is your name "Anjali"?
Anjali Sharma: Um... perhaps my mother and father liked the name. Why is your name "Anjali"?
Anjali Khanna: Perhaps my mother and father liked you.
Sana Saeed
Extended Reading