Samantha Jones

Samantha Jones

  • Born: 1943-5-21
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading

    Wait Until Dark quotes

    • Lisa: They should make heroin look like something else. Candy bars maybe.

    • Susy Hendrix: [trembling] All right, all right you can have it... you can have the doll! I'll give it to you... if you'll... if you'll just go and... and...

      Roat: Yes, Susy?

      Susy Hendrix: Not hurt me.

      Roat: Say please.

      Susy Hendrix: Please.

      Roat: No, that's not quite it... say: "please may I give you the doll?"

      Susy Hendrix: Please may I give you the doll?

      Roat: You may.