Davonte 2022-09-30 20:08:36
A cheap tacky silly space opera
I only watched "Ted" to see this film. I thought it was a high-quality sci-fi blockbuster that I had never heard of. As a result, I felt that "Ted" was really appropriate to include such a slogan. Thank you Teddy Bear for reminding me to watch this cosmic drama.
Let me talk about the fun story...

Sam J. Jones
The Emperor Ming: Every thousand years, I test each life system in the Universe. I visit it with mysteries, earthquakes, unpredicted eclipses, strange craters in the wilderness... If these are taken as natural, I judge that system ignorant and harmless - I spare it. But if the Hand of Ming is recognized in these events, I judge that system dangerous to us. I call upon the great god Dyzan, and for his greater glory...
[leans forward, smiling]
The Emperor Ming: ... and for our mutual pleasure...
[leans back again]
The Emperor Ming: ... I destroy it utterly.
Doctor Hans Zarkov: You're saying... it's my fault the Earth is being destroyed?
The Emperor Ming: [grinning] Precisely... Doctor!
Kala: We're going to empty your memory as we might empty your pockets... Doctor.
Dr. Hans Zarkov: Don't empty my mind! Please, I beg you! My mind is all I have! I've spent my whole life trying to fill it!