Sabrina Carmen

Sabrina Carmen

  • Born: 1991-8-22
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading

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    • Peyton: [writing] I miss you. Honestly, I missed you before our last kiss was finished. I just want you to know that I am with you. Elena, your beauty radiates from your soul. I finally understand the cliched term 'take one's breath away'. You take my breath away. When you kiss me... Oh, god... When you kiss me, Elena... I remember the night you showed up and made love to me with no words. Elena, I have never let anyone have me, let anyone take me, ravage me, like I have let you. You have given me such a gift, the other side of myself. You've made me whole.

    • Peyton: [to Elena] Every time I think it's impossible to love you more, I do. Ever deeper.