Ryan Preimesberger

Ryan Preimesberger

  • Born: 1978-1-10
  • Birthplace: Los Angeles, California, U.S.
  • Height: 6' 1" (1.85 m)
  • Profession: actor
  • Representative Works: The Dark Knight Rises
  • Ryan Preimesberger, born on January 10, 1978, actor, major works " Batman: The Dark Knight Rises ", "American Asian", "Third Shift".
    Extended Reading

    Money Monster quotes

    • Diane Lester: What happened?

      Patty Fenn: He just shot out your monitor on the stage because you're giving him the same corporate bullshit!

      Diane Lester: I-I-I'm not. I-I... you have to understand how delicate of a situation this is.

      Patty Fenn: I'm sitting eighty feet from a bomb! Don't talk to me about delicate situations! You have got to wake up and do the math here, because it is not adding up to me, either.

      Diane Lester: What do you mean?

      Patty Fenn: I mean you better ask some real questions and get some real answers, and hurry the fuck up!

    • A Team Leader: So, he's got the stage all locked up. These are the exits, front and rear. Now, the problem is, this guy's got complete range of vision throughout the entire studio. So our only chance for a clean shot is from these catwalks above the stage. We're putting a man in position there as we speak.

      Captain Powell: What about the bomb?

      Lt. Vasquez: Well, this is definitely a dead man's switch here in his hand, which means if you take him out without disarming the bomb first, kaboom.

      Officer Benson: Got the warrant, got an address. Sending a patrol there now.

      Captain Powell: Great.

      Lt. Vasquez: But you see this bulge right here? That's the wireless receiver. Now, Captain, if we can destroy that, then the dead man's switch is just another fucking switch.

      Captain Powell: Except in order to destroy it, we got to what, shoot Gates?

      Lt. Vasquez: Well, that's where this guy slipped up. If he wanted to ensure a kill shot, he should've put the receiver here, right over the poor bastard's heart. But instead, he put it down here next to his left kidney. If the bullet's on target, we get to him quick enough to avoid too much blood loss, there's a good chance, Captain, he could survive it.

      Captain Powell: I'm sorry. Are you proposing we shoot the star of a TV show live, on air, in front of millions of people?

      Lt. Vasquez: Yeah.