Rudy Ramos

Rudy Ramos

  • Born: 1950-9-19
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading

    The Driver quotes

    • Teeth: [Teeth unexpectedly shows up on the stairway outside The Driver's apartment] I just want to talk. We need you. You're valuable.

      The Driver: I already gave you an answer.

      Teeth: [pulls a gun] Well, we don't like that answer. Be friendly. Do things our way.

      The Driver: Go ahead and pull the trigger.

      [Teeth hesitates; Driver punches him in the face, he tumbles down one flight of stairs]

      Teeth: You... you do anything else, I'll come back, I'll kill you.

      [Driver wallops him again, sending Teeth down a second flight of stairs]

      Teeth: [groggy, bleeding slightly] I'm just trying to do my job.

      The Driver: So am I. Go home.

      Teeth: I just wanted to talk.

      The Driver: You did.

      [Teeth leaves]

    • The Driver: [the bank-robber gang pull into a parking garage where The Driver is waiting; the two drivers acknowledge each other] How've you been?

      Fingers: I'm okay.

      Glasses: You two know each other?

      Fingers: A couple of years ago we worked a two-car job.

      The Driver: You already have a driver.

      Teeth: He doesn't have the balls for driving anymore.

      [Fingers looks hurt]

      Glasses: You work for a piece, right?

      The Driver: Ten thousand up front, against fifteen percent.

      Teeth: How do we know you're that good?

      The Driver: Get in.