Marcus 2021-10-18 09:29:15
"5 Impression Fragments of In Bruges"
1-----------"In Bruges" despise Bruges's chirp,
Ray lamented that Bruges was the beginning of a "Shithole"... This despised attitude Ray continued from beginning to end. Even the curtain call came, Ray's last words: "I really, really hoped I wouldn't die." It also seemed to be... -
Alessandro 2022-03-18 09:01:02
Every detail is touching, old-fashioned killer duel, brotherly feelings play new meanings. No one, two words, sincere! Every role is not wasted, and every tear is not pretending to be compelling. Including picking up girls, they are very sincere. This is a man, loyalty, principle, love, redemption,...

Rudy Blomme
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[first lines]
Ray: After I killed them, I dropped the gun in the Thames, washed the residue off me hands in the bathroom of a Burger King, and walked home to await instructions. Shortly thereafter the instructions came through. "Get the fuck out of London, youse dumb fucks. Get to Bruges." I didn't even know where Bruges fucking was.
Ray: It's in Belgium.
Ray: Bruges is a shithole.
Ken: Bruges *is* not a shithole.
Ray: Bruges *is* a shithole.
Ken: Ray, we only just got off the fucking train! Could we reserve judgement on Bruges until we've seen the fucking place?