Peter Stegman: Face the music... teacher teacher.
Andrew Norris: Wait a minute, you're in this class. Sit down.
Peter Stegman: [gives him the finger] Sit on this, motherfucker.
Andrew Norris: What's the matter with you?
Peter Stegman: What's the matter with you? What's the matter with me? What's the matter with matter?
Peter Stegman: I've had it with you, Leroy. I mean, uh, enough is enough.
Leroy: Hey, man, listen... I didn't do nothin' man.
Peter Stegman: What the fuck... you think I was born yesterday?
Leroy: Hey, man... what's goin' on here?
Peter Stegman: [brutally beating him] We're the only niggers that sell shit in this school.
Roy T. Anderson
Extended Reading