Rosine Favey

Rosine Favey

  • Born:
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  • Extended Reading

    Frontier(s) quotes

    • Eva: [stroking Yasmine's hair] It's beautiful. I'm gonna have to cut it. Father doesn't like black hair.

      [Eva grabs scissors and begins to cut her hair]

      Eva: Father says we belong to the perfect race. He came to live here after the big war. Me? They took me from my parents when I was a child. They raised me here, telling me that one day, my parents would come looking for me, if I was smart and did what they said. Father wanted me to grow up quick so I could give him an heir. Then came providence, but our children were born with problems. They're not normal. I'm expecting my fourth. Father says it's because of the blood.

      Yasmine: Why are you staying here?

      Eva: Because I'm waiting for my parents to come get me. They promised. I know one day they will come to get me. We can't abandon our children like that. I know what I'm talking about. I love mine. When they were born, Father wanted to get rid of them. So Hans and I, we hid them. Now they live in the mine. When I have time, I try to go see them. Without them, I think I'd be dead in here.

    • Le Von Geisler: [to family at dinner] In tribute to the new mother of our beloved and beautiful family, and to the coming of future events: a birth. If it's a girl, we'll call her Lili. If it's a boy, we'll call him Karl, like his father. We'll unite him and bind him to our dear and beautiful guest, Yasmina... so that this year will be bountiful and propitious of great new developments. We can already hear the wind of victory. Also, I want to tell you that I have decided to turn over the leadership of the family to the only son I'm proud of: Karl Von Geisler.