Rosanna Scotto

Rosanna Scotto

  • Born: 1958-4-29
  • Height: 5' 7" (1.7 m)
  • Extended Reading

    The Object of My Affection quotes

    • Louis Crowley: I used to give women lots of opinions but now, I go with the flow.

      Nina: Are you gay?

      Louis Crowley: I'm sorry?

      Nina: I've this new theory that any man who doesn't hit you over the head with his opinions must be gay.

    • Rodney: Clearly, the no-talent who directed this hoped to transform the world's greatest love story into a Calvin Klein commercial. The man should be shot.

      Romeo & Juliet Director: Mr. Fraser.

      Rodney: Yes.

      Romeo & Juliet Director: I'm the director.

      Rodney: Ah!

      [Director punches Rodney in the face]