Rosalinde Mynster

Rosalinde Mynster

  • Born: 1990-9-28
  • Height: 5' 9" (1.75 m)
  • Extended Reading

    A Royal Affair quotes

    • Johann Friedrich Struensee: [to Struensee] I spend all my time trying to navigate all your new laws. You have ideas as the same rate that the rest of us change clothes.

    • [last lines]

      Caroline Mathilde: [in her letters] As I am sure you have already seen with your own eyes, Denmark has regressed to the Middle Ages since Johann died. While the rest of Europe blossoms, your country has become a dark place controlled by faith and suspicion. My dear children, if I could only see you now. Who have you become? Frederik, did you inherit Christian's temper? Louise, do you have Johann's eyes?

      Louise von Plessen: [presenting the letters] Your Royal Highnesses, I am so glad you came.

      Louise Augusta - 12 yrs: [reading aloud] My beloved children, you do not know me, but I am your mother. I do not know what you think of me. Perhaps you hate me.

      Caroline Mathilde: Frederik. Louise Augusta. You are Denmark's best hope for a brighter future. I know you will make me proud. I love you so very much. Your mother, Caroline Mathilde.