Robin Dill

Robin Dill

  • Born:
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading

    World Trade Center quotes

    • Officer at Police Desk: [after seeing a handful of Officer's coming back from Ground Zero] "That's a lot of guys not with them"

    • Scott Strauss: Chuck. Paddy. Just get out of here. This whole damn thing could come down on us. There's no sense in all of us getting killed.

      Chuck Sereika: You gonna pry up that slab and get him out of here yourself? I've been in and out of rehab for years. Finally figured out the only thing I've been ever good at is helping people. We're doing this together.

      Paddy McGee: I Ain't leaving.

      Will Jimeno: I don't mean to break up the moment, but were all getting out of here together.