Robert Sean Miller

Robert Sean Miller

  • Born:
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading

    Rounders quotes

    • Mike McDermott: [playing in the cigar shop] I bet 50

      Sunshine: I'll call, what'd you got?

      Mike McDermott: [referring to his hand of ace to five straight] I have what's known as "the wheel", it's got earthy tones, the smooth draw to win me the high and low

    • Johnny Gold: I bet

      Mike McDermott: [while playing at the golf pro game, referring to increasing the size of the pot] let's get some in there.

      Johnny Gold: you're raising me three hundred?

      Johnny Gold: [after checking if he has enough money to call] I call your three hundred

      Johnny Gold: [to his friend, referring to the pot] how much is in there?

      Weitz: about fifteen hundred

      Johnny Gold: [while adding money to the pot] here's a thousand, there's five hundred: I bet you the pot limit kiddo

      Weitz: you sure you want to do that? You might want to leave a little something extra for your daughter's riding lessons

      Johnny Gold: there's plenty more where that came from

      Mike McDermott: [folds his hand] take it down

      Johnny Gold: [laughs, to his friends] I got shit, look I bluffed "the big ringer"

      Lester 'Worm' Murphy: [urgently to Mike while collecting their money to leave] get up, we're out of here, we're done, come on

      Johnny Gold: [arrogantly to Mike and Worm as they leave, implying he can beat anyone at poker] anytime, anyplace anywhere, oh by the way anybody.