Robert Lee

Robert Lee

  • Born: 1913-0-0
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading

    You Only Live Twice quotes

    • Helga Brandt: Do you know what this is?

      James Bond: I'd rather not.

      Helga Brandt: Plastic surgeons call it a dermatome. They use it to slice off skin. I hope you won't force me to use it.

      James Bond: Now... What's a nice girl like you doing in a place like this?

    • Tiger Tanaka: Regretfully impossible. You must marry Ama girl, one who is known of the island.

      James Bond: Is she pretty?

      Tiger Tanaka: Hm! She has a face like a pig.

      James Bond: To hell with that idea.

      Aki: But this is duty.