Robert Gallinowski

Robert Gallinowski

  • Born: 1969-0-0
  • Height: 5' 10¾" (1.8 m)
  • Extended Reading

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    Carlos quotes

    • Ryiadh el-Azzawi: [referring to Angie, who was injured] He's in an ambulance. On his way to the airport.

      Ilich Ramírez Sánchez, aka 'Carlos': We will not leave until he's on board. Understood?

      Anis Naccache 'Khalid': Kreisky has kept his word.

      Ilich Ramírez Sánchez, aka 'Carlos': Offcourse. If we'd asked for a belly-dance, he'd have done it.

    • Ilich Ramírez Sánchez, aka 'Carlos': Hasta la Victoria Siempre!