Rob Maxey

Rob Maxey

  • Born: 1953-6-12
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading

    Road to Perdition quotes

    • John Rooney: How is Michael? Is he okay?

      Michael Sullivan: I've spoken to him. He understands.

      John Rooney: That's tough, seeing that for the first time. Well, you turned out. You can't protect him forever. If it wasn't this, it'd be something else.

    • John Rooney: Connor, is there something you would like to say about last night?

      Connor Rooney: I'd like to apologize for what happened. Especially to you, Pa. Two wakes in a month...


      Connor Rooney: What can I say?

      John Rooney: We lost a good man last night. You think it's funny? Try again.

      Connor Rooney: [Nervous pause] I-I'd like to apologize...

      [John slams his hand down on the table and everyone flinches]

      John Rooney: You would "like"... to apologize? Try again.

      [Connor stands up slowly]

      Connor Rooney: [Barely above a whisper] Gentlemen... my apologies.