R.J. Hampton

R.J. Hampton

  • Born:
  • Height: 6' 1" (1.85 m)
  • Extended Reading

    The Ward quotes

    • Sarah: [seductively] So... Roy.

      [said as if growling the name]

      Roy: Not interested.

      Sarah: You didn't hear me out.


      Roy: Fine. Shoot.

      Sarah: Well, I know you said you wouldn't date any of us inside the ward, but...! I just know I'm getting out soon. And I thought maybe you could call me sometime.

      Roy: There is no way I will ever, ever date you. Got it?

      Sarah: But I know...

      Roy: No! Not ever! Now leave me alone. I'm swamped here, and I don't have time for this.

      [goes off]

    • Sarah: So, you and your coo-coo bird have fun sneaking out last night?

      Kristen: [sighs] Go away.

      Sarah: You could have gotten us all in trouble.

      Kristen: We were looking for Iris.

      Sarah: And?

      Kristen: Couldn't find her.

      Sarah: Well, you probably weren't looking in the right places.

      [indicating Emily, derisive:]

      Sarah: Not with Magellan over there.