Remo De Angelis

Remo De Angelis

  • Born: 1940-10-12
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading

    Django quotes

    • Django: [to a gang] A woman shouldn't be treated in that way.

      Klan Member: What's that you said?

      Django: It's not important. And if I bothered you, would you accept my apology?

      [shoots all five]

    • Django: [pulls a blanket from Maria's bed] I'm taking a blanket.

      Maria: Thank you.

      Django: For what?

      Maria: All that you've done for me.

      Django: [starts to leave] I didn't do it for you.

      Maria: Thank you, even if it wasn't for me.

      Django: I don't know... if I should have save you.

      Maria: It's not for me to say. But for the first time, I felt like I was a real woman. Someone to protect, and... and to be loved, Django.

      Django: [drops the blanket and closes the door] I'm glad I made you feel like a real woman - very glad. I mean that.