Pippa Nixon

Pippa Nixon

  • Born: 1980-0-0
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading

    John Carter quotes

    • Tardos Mors: Dejah, ever since you were a little girl, you've always met the expectations placed on you. It's Sab's terms.

      Dejah Thoris: What are they?

      Tardos Mors: He will spare Helium, if you accept his hand in marriage.

      Dejah Thoris: No! He is a monster! You must refuse him!

      Tardos Mors: He's already on his way here.

      Dejah Thoris: But all of my work! I just need a little more time!

      Tardos Mors: Dejah.

      Dejah Thoris: How can you...? You can't just bow down to Zodanga!

      Tardos Mors: A wedding will save the city!

      Dejah Thoris: Perhaps! But it could lose you Barsoom!

      Tardos Mors: Dejah!

      Dejah Thoris: With no one to stop Zodanga it will be the beginning of the end!

      Tardos Mors: We do not... we do not have the luxury.

      Dejah Thoris: [shouting] You are the Jeddak of Helium! You must find another way!

      Tardos Mors: [shouting] There is no other way!

      [Dejah looks away from Tardos]

      Tardos Mors: If there were, I would risk anything to cease it. This is the chance we have been given. Perhaps it is the will of the Goddess.

      Dejah Thoris: No. It is your will. When I was little and we would look up at the stars, and you would tell me of the heroes whose glory was written in the sky. How there was a star up there for me. Is this what you imagined would be written on it?

      Tardos Mors: [before Tardos answers her Kantos enters with his men]

      Kantos Kan: My Jeddak, Sab Than's Corsair approaches the city. They signal for permission to land.

      Tardos Mors: Grant it.

      [Dejah turns away from Tardos in disappointment and sadness]

      Tardos Mors: And let us prepare ourselves for a wedding.

    • John Carter: [as the trio arrive the Gates of Iss which looks like a giant umbrella-like rock formation] Professor.

      Dejah Thoris: Impossible! I've never seen this kind of structure before.

      John Carter: I wanna get a better look.

      [suddenly Carter grabs Dejah and leaps to the top of the rock formation]

      Dejah Thoris: Carter, your feet!

      [the medallion Carter carries lights up blue and as they look down they notice the center of the rock begins to lower and a set of stairs emerges, the stairs lead into a cave where the walls form blue webbed material]

      Dejah Thoris: This is not the work of Gods. These are machines. Your medallion.

      John Carter: [Carter gives her the medallion and Dejah places it on the glowing spider carving on the cave ground] The spider.

      Dejah Thoris: [nine blue glowing rays suddenly appear out of the spider symbol] Nine. Nine rays. Nine! The Ninth Ray is real! It can be harnessed, do you see? This entire structure runs on Ninth Ray isolates. The Iss is such power, and somehow Zodanga has it. The Therns, they must be real. And you, you are John Carter of Earth?

      John Carter: Yes, ma'am.

      Dejah Thoris: And the ships that sail on the sea, you've seen them?

      [Carter nods his head]

      Dejah Thoris: That must be a beautiful sight.

      John Carter: It truly is.

      [as Carter steps on the blue ray light suddenly the set of symbols connects and the solar system appears on the ground]

      Dejah Thoris: It's our solar system!

      John Carter: [Carter steps on the symbol of Earth and a set of symbols connects the planet to Barsoom] What's it saying?

      Dejah Thoris: I'm not sure.

      John Carter: Okay. What do you think it says?

      Dejah Thoris: It appears to be... a kind of technical diagram. Here is Barsoom, there is Jasoom. This bit here, it's like our symbol for a transcription. A copy, sent along these lines here, between the worlds. Like...

      John Carter: A telegram. You're saying I was telegraphed here. I'm a copy of myself.

      Dejah Thoris: Possibly. Making these words here, the command for travel.

      Dejah Thoris: [referring to the symbols they've just discovered] I don't like guessing. I need more information, I need charts, codices.

      [Carter looks at Dejah with suspicion]

      John Carter: Right. And where might we find those?