Pierce Pope

Pierce Pope

  • Born:
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading

    Insidious: The Last Key quotes

    • Elise Rainier: I'm going to get the attention of all the spirits in this house. I need things that were important to Garza. Specs, go upstairs. There is a bible he held very dear to him. It was a red, King James version; I need you to find it. Take Imogen with you.

      Specs: Okay.

      Elise Rainier: And do not let her out of your sight.

      Specs: I won't.

      [Specs and Imogen head upstairs]

      Elise Rainier: Tucker and I are going down to the fallout shelter.

      Tucker: What- I get the death chamber and he gets bible camp with the most beautiful girl on earth? That's not a democracy.

      Elise Rainier: You're the only one I trust to go down there with me.

      Tucker: [under his breath as he follows Elise] Don't patronize me woman.

    • [first lines]

      Prison Officer: Lights Out!