August 2022-10-27 08:08:04
Three Parallel Worlds in the Novel "The Man in the High Castle"
When we are reading "The Man in the High Castle", what we see before our eyes are actually three parallel worlds. The first one is the world where the original story took place (we call it the "High Castle World"). In this world, Germany and Japan are the overlords of the world; the second world is...
Angela 2022-10-21 21:36:08
Let's blow a wave of Trade Minister: the brilliant starry sky above us, the moral law in our heart.
In the afternoon, I watched an episode of "The Strange Man in the High Castle", and wanted to blow a wave of the Minister of Trade.
The story of this play probably tells about in a parallel world, the American President Roosevelt was assassinated, and his successor failed to save the United States...

Pierce Kang
The Man in the High Castle quotes
Joe Blake: [noticing ashes falling like snowflakes] What is that?
Nazi Police Officer: Oh, that's the hospital.
Joe Blake: The hospital?
Nazi Police Officer: Yeah, Tuesdays, they burn cripples, the terminally ill. Drag on the state.
Mark Sampson: I don't plan on dying, Frank. But you can't live your life in fear. I was back east at the end of the war, in Boston.
Frank Frink: Oh, Jesus.
Mark Sampson: Yeah. You had to see it to believe it, Frank. Overnight, lynch mobs were murdering Jews because suddenly we were less than human.
Frank Frink: And what did you do?
Mark Sampson: Well, those of us who came out in one piece. We buried service weapons underground, well wrapped in oil, and we vowed revenge. I got a life to lead, got kids to raise. And Hitler and the Nazis - I mean, I don't care how it looks. They won't last. One thing I realized about my people is we got a different sense of time. These may be dark years, but we'll survive. We always do.