Phoenix List

Phoenix List

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  • Extended Reading

    Rabbit Hole quotes

    • [last lines]

      Becca: [voice-over] And then what?

      Howie: [voice-over] I don't know... Something though.

    • Nat: You know, Becca, when your brother died, I found the church very helpful.

      Becca: I know. I know you did, but that's you. That's not me, and Danny... Danny isn't Arthur.

      Nat: You know, I brought you to church every Sunday.

      Becca: Let's not start this again, okay, Mom? I'm just... I'm just calling about the cake.

      Nat: You're not right about everything, you know? What if there is a God?

      Becca: Then I'd say he's a sadistic prick.

      Nat: All right, Becca, that's enough.

      Becca: "Worship me and I'll treat you like shit." No wonder you like him. He sounds just like Dad.