Philip Herbert

Philip Herbert

  • Born: 1957-1-28
  • Height: 5' 8" (1.73 m)
  • Extended Reading

    Victor Victoria quotes

    • 'Squash' Bernstein: In one fell swoop you've changed my whole life.

      King Marchand: It wasn't *that* kind of swoop.

      'Squash' Bernstein: Listen, if a guy like you can have the guts to admit that he's gay,


      'Squash' Bernstein: then so can I.

      [kisses King]

      'Squash' Bernstein: You've made me very happy!

    • Norma: [after singing "Chicago, Illinois", whimpering, twirling her fingers in her hair] Hi Sal. Thanks for comin' by.

      Sal Andratti: Norma, what's on ya mind?

      Norma: [whimpering changes to sobbing] K-K-K-K-K-K-King

      Sal Andratti: Shackin' up wit' anutha dame.

      Norma: [suddenly regaining partial composure] No, anudda guy.

      [resumes crying]

      Norma: It's terrible.

      Sal Andratti: [stone-faced] Run that by me again!

      Norma: [regaining complete composure] Well

      [clears throat]

      Norma: there's this Polish fairy y'see...