Peter Wick

Peter Wick

  • Born: 1965-4-25
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading

    Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman quotes

    • Clark Kent: Well go ahead, I'm waiting.

      Lois Lane: For what?

      Clark Kent: The morality play, the "you should have trusted me and my infallible reporter's instinct' lecture.

      Lois Lane: Clark, you don't need me to remind you of your shortcomings. I would've thought by now they'd be obvious. C'mon, I'm starving and you're buying. And just in case you did miss the moral to the story, thank you, you should trust what's in people's hearts, not just the facts.

    • Lois Lane: Tell me the biggest secret you have.

      Clark Kent: What?

      Lois Lane: Tell me the biggest secret you have. Something you'd never reveal to anyone.

      Clark Kent: Why?

      Lois Lane: Because I'm about to tell you mine and I need blackmail material.