Peter Lorre

Peter Lorre

  • Born: 1904-6-26
  • Birthplace: Germany, Luxembourg
  • Height: 5' 3" (1.6 m)
  • Profession: Actor, director, screenwriter
  • Representative Works: M is the murderer, catching the murderer
  • Peter Lorre (Peter Lorre, June 26, 1904-March 23, 1964 [1]  ), formerly known as László Lowenstein (László Lowenstein) [1]  , was born in Slovakia.
    On the screen, Peter Lorre is used to appearing as a negative killer, but in reality, his experience is far more complicated and tortuous than a killer. The only difference is that his luck is much better than his own role. He was called "Europe's best actor" by Bertolt Brecht . [1]  Chaplin once called him "the best actor in the world". [1] 
    On March 23, 1964, he died of a stroke in Los Angeles, California .