Pankaj Kapur

Pankaj Kapur

  • Born: 1954-5-29
  • Height: 5' 6¼" (1.68 m)
  • Extended Reading

    Gandhi quotes

    • Margaret Bourke-White: There's a sadness about him.

      Mirabehn: He thinks he's failed.

      Margaret Bourke-White: Why? If anything's proven him right, it's these last months.

      Mirabehn: I may be blinded by my love for him. But I believe, when we most needed it, he offered the world a way out of madness. But he doesn't see it. Neither does the world.

    • Gandhi: I, for one, have never advocated passive anything. We must never sumbit to such laws. And I think our resistance must be *active* and provocative!