Oren Uziel

Oren Uziel

  • Born:
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading

    Shimmer Lake quotes

    • Zeke Sikes: Sorry, man. Escorting our state champion quarterback from his meeting with our state champion parole officer. Do you mind hoppin' in back?

      Reed Ethington: No, not at all. Hey, Ed.

      Ed Burton: How's it going, Reed?

      Reed Ethington: The back, huh? Never been back here.

      Ed Burton: *I* have. My guess is... you don't wash it after the canine unit uses it. You guys smell that?

    • [last lines]

      Reed Ethington: Man, Zeke. This is a real mess.

      Zeke Sikes: Yeah, it's an old mess.

      Reed Ethington: How do you mean?

      Zeke Sikes: I mean, this is what happens when wrongs go un-righted. They fester.

      Reed Ethington: You talking about Ed Jr.?

      Zeke Sikes: Yeah, you're damn fucking right I'm talking about Ed Jr. Eight lousy months he got.

      Reed Ethington: Don't worry about it. We'll get him.

      Zeke Sikes: I'm not worried about it, Reed. As far as I'm concerned... he's already got.