Barrett 2022-06-05 17:53:36
Beautiful Hardys
Hardys is beautiful and dignified, but it is a full vase. A perfect woman under the patriarchal structure. In terms of life choices, she obeys the arrangements of her parents; her every word and deed is prepared to serve her husband; it can be said that she does not even have love.
Hardys is... -
Magnus 2022-06-05 19:36:05
Classical love
When I was very young, CCTV showed this film and was moved. At that time, I thought, how could there be such a beautiful movie, how could there be such a beautiful love. Barbra Streisand was never a beauty, but she was so talented.
Today I suddenly remembered this movie I saw when I was very young,...

Norma Atallah
Florence 2022-06-05 20:43:38
Ms. Sreisand is indeed very, very talented, but she is really too narcissistic, and she does not hide her narcissism -,-
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