Nikolai Müllerschön

Nikolai Müllerschön

  • Born: 1958-7-19
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading

    The Red Baron quotes

    • Käte: There are so many hospitals now they have to give them numbers. This is No: 76. There's 500 patients. Most of these men will die. Those that don't will never walk again, see again, taste again... love again! No, it's not great to have a hole your head. You're lucky to be still alive. Being born of nobility, you've advantages these men here do not. They don't have choices. It's not a game. This is the lowest we'll ever get. It never gets darker.

    • Emperor Wilhelm: You're looking disposed, my dear Baron.

      Manfred von Richthofen: Yes, your Majesty. I'm fine. I always am. Sometimes even irritated, sir.

      Emperor Wilhelm: How can you be "irritably fine?"

      Manfred von Richthofen: It happens out here. We kill a couple of men. And while they fall down in flames, we feel just fine. I find this irritating.

      Emperor Wilhelm: My soldiers, do not... kill people. They simply destroyed the enemy.

      Manfred von Richthofen: Well, the effects seems to be the same.