Kiana 2022-07-15 13:57:36
sad story
When Charlotte killed her best friend Dora for profit, she had cut herself off from the past, and there was nothing to connect her to the past. After this moment, she doesn't need to worry about doing anything vicious, or even repent. That's why she didn't even confess to Amy in the end - nobody...
Margarette 2022-07-15 10:28:13
Isn't that marvelous
In Agatha's novel, Ms. Marple is not as vivid as Poirot, but this drama is really well done, mainly because the costumes and accessories of the cast are British-style, and they are relaxed and happy. Isn't it marvelous? I wonder who helped her take care of Ms.Marple's garden, and there was no...

Nicholas Parsons
Extended Reading