Myrtle Anderson

Myrtle Anderson

  • Born: 1907-5-26
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading

    Sullivan's Travels quotes

    • John L. Sullivan: I want this picture to be a commentary on modern conditions. Stark realism. The problems that confront the average man!

      LeBrand: But with a little sex.

      John L. Sullivan: A little, but I don't wanna stress it. I want this picture to be a document. I wanna hold a mirror up to life. I want this to be a picture of dignity! A true canvas of the suffering of humanity!

      LeBrand: But with a little sex in it.

      John L. Sullivan: [reluctantly] With a little sex in it.

      Hadrian: How 'bout a nice musical?

    • The Girl: I liked you better as a bum.

      John L. Sullivan: I can't help what kind of people you like.