Morgan Roberts

Morgan Roberts

  • Born:
  • Height: 6' 1" (1.85 m)
  • Extended Reading

    American Horror Story quotes

    • Zoe Benson: Do you think Fiona can fix it?

      Madison Montgomery: You're such a Goddamn idiot. I can't believe you told them everything. I'm supposed to be cleaning up my act! When this gets out, I'm screwed!

      Zoe Benson: Who cares? This is murder, like multiple murders!

      Madison Montgomery: They're not gonna find any evidence that we messed with the bus because we did not mess with the bus! What did you do to that shit dick in the hospital, though?

      Fiona Goode: [Fiona comes in, angry] Idiots.

      [She telekinetically throws Madison and Zoe up against the wall and they come crashing down, landing on the floor]

      Fiona Goode: Have you any idea what's going on out there? Now, I forgave your ham-handed mass murder business with the bus over exuberance of youth and all that, but if you haven't got the Goddamn brains to know that when strangers come asking questions, we close ranks, then I fear our line is truly at an end.

      Zoe Benson: But they knew so much already.

      Fiona Goode: I COULDN'T TOAST A PIECE OF BREAD with the heat they were putting on you. You... are soft. You're emotional, you care what people think. Now, if there's one thing you learn before leaving this place is that we, even the WEAKEST among us, are better than the best of them.

      Zoe Benson: Are we gonna get arrested?

      Fiona Goode: You are missing the point.

      Madison Montgomery: Which is?

      Fiona Goode: The point is... in this whole wide wicked world... the only thing you have to be afraid of... is me.

    • Cordelia Foxx: In the absence of the council, as reigning Supreme of this coven, I hereby decree... for the murders of our sister witch, Cecily Pembroke and our college, Quentin Fleming... you... Myrtle Snow, are hereby sentenced to death by fire.

      Myrtle Snow: Delia, my sweet daughter, I have never been more proud.

      Cordelia Foxx: Any last words?

      Myrtle Snow: Only one. BALENCIAGA!