Molly Glynn

Molly Glynn

  • Born: 1968-6-14
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading

    In America quotes

    • Mateo: I'm an alien, like E.T., from a different planet. My skin is too sensitive for this Earth. The air is too hard for me.

      Ariel: Are you going home like E.T.?

      Mateo: I suppose I'm going home.

    • [last lines]

      Christy: [voiceover] It was as hard for Frankie to smile when the tumor was malignant as it was for my dad to cry after. But they both managed it. I'm going to switch this off now. It's not the way I want to see Frankie any more. Do you still have a picture of me in your head? Well, that's like the picture I want to have of Frankie. One that you can keep in your head forever. So when you go back to reality, I'll ask Frankie to please, please let me go.