Mitchell Kummen

Mitchell Kummen

  • Born:
  • Height:
  • Profession: actor
  • Representative Works: "Bad Hockey Boy" "Magic Horn" "Mirror Flower Water Moon"
  •   Mitchell Kummen, actor, participated in the movie "Bad Hockey Boy" in 2011, participated in the movie "Magic Horn" in 2013, and participated in the TV series "Mirror Flower Water Moon" in 2015.
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    Goon quotes

    • Doug Glatt: Hey! What the hell?

      Ryan: Recognize!

      Doug Glatt: Of course I recognize you!

      Ryan: You recognize this big fuckin' beautiful family of yours?

      Doug Glatt: Oh my god, this is amazing, I'm so happy!

      Ronnie Hortense: Glatt! What the fuck are you doing mother fucker? Start skating, chase some ice!

    • Ryan: Look at you, you're a - you're a fucking beast. You're like the fucking Hebrew Dolph Lundgren or some shit.