Minna Phillips

Minna Phillips

  • Born: 1885-6-1
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading

    Strangers on a Train quotes

    • Bruno Anthony: Now, you're going to do a murder. How are you going to do it? This is the fascinating part. How are you going to do it? I didn't get your name?

      Mrs. Cunningham: Mrs. Cunningham.

      Bruno Anthony: Mrs. Cunningham, how are you going to do it?

      Mrs. Cunningham: Well, I suppose I'll have to get a gun from somewhere.

      Bruno Anthony: Oh no, Mrs. Cunningham. Bang, bang, bang all over the place. Blood everywhere?

    • Senator Morton: I thought he was a bit weird when he arrived. Who is he?

      Guy Haines: I hardly know him, sir.

      Senator Morton: Well, get him out of here as soon as you decently can, will you. This is a nice item for the gossips. First thing you know, they'll be talking about orgies!